Monday 25 June 2007

Helen from Redders' Ramblings

I've gained so much from the novel racers. Since joining at the end of January (with a word count of 3736 words) I have progressed to a current word count of 78,207. That's 74,471 words since January 22nd. That's five months (I think *counts on fingers, one, two, three, four, five*). Yes, five months! It hasn't always been easy, but knowing I can blog about my sticking points and successes has kept me going. I never, ever thought I'd get this far, I thought I'd be on a endless loop of writing and editing the first 3000 words - never venturing out of my comfort zone of those first three chapters.

Thanks everyone for the support, motivation and inspiration. Long may this continue!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Helen you are doing so well!