Thursday 2 October 2008

Where's that thing...

that you copy and paste your words into ... and it tells you how many times you've used each word?

I'm sure I bookmarked it... but I can't find it.

Thanks in anticipation.


CL Taylor said...

Do you mean this site?

I'd forgotten I'd signed up for that site and had to search my blog to find it again. So thanks for the reminder!

Rachel Green said...

I don't know the site you're referring to but this one gives you pictures - the bigger the word to more common it is in your text.

Jenny Beattie said...

Ooh, I love this place. You are both fab, thank you, but I didn't mean the wordle one.

Cally, is that the only one? Are there any other ones you don't have to pay for? I mean I know you can use the free bit, but it's a bit fiddly with all those words I've got now! Oooh, hark at me.

Graeme K Talboys said...

Do you mean this one?

Jenny Beattie said...

Graeme, Yes; hurrah. Thank you.