Thus far by my count 28 out of 40 have signed onto the new race......some who haven't are regular contributors - so no problem is they are not 'racing'. However I am raising this as I have a request from someone who would like to join us. Two racers have not been heard from in ages - The Moon Topples and DOT ( I left them both messages on the blogs before Christmas). Would it Be acceptable to put them on sabbatical and let some now people in?
Love to hear your thoughts on this.
At the risk of being deeply unpopular I feel that unless someone has excused themselves for a specific reason for an estimated length of time, if folk aren't contributing in any way, why are they still here? I think their intent has to be still clear for the Novel Racers to keep open their space.
I'm inclined to agree with JJ ~ if someone isn't popping in from time to time, or hasn't given a reason for taking a sabbatical then I guess they're no longer participating.
And it would be nice to offer some of the dormant places to new racers.
Just my thoughts, but if you've had no response to the messages you left I think we have to assume that the Novel Racers isn't on their radar any longer.
I agree too. If you've gone into silent running you should let someone else have your place. We do that at musemuggers - no participation for 3 months is a resignation.
I agree too. There are quite a few people who are listed but completely inactive/not participating at all.
Seems churlish to turn away enthusiastic racers for others who don't contribute?
Sounds good to me. (And not as unpopular as you thought, JJ.) We're in this for a reason, and the reason isn't just to be a member of something, ya know?
Am I making any sense this morning???
I'm in agreement too. They can always rejoin, if they want to, when we have space again. (I think adopting the 'no participation for 3 months is a resignation' system would make sense for us too.)
Well, that three month's inactivity rule would depend. Is it not contribute or not contribute anything of value. Because if worthwhile content is a requirement, I've been inactive for ages.
As with any relationship, if they haven't dropped by and they're not returning your calls, chances are it's over.
Bring in the new folk.
I think you've done all you can Liz, so I'd say lets have new members! After all this is really all about participation, I reckon.
I agree with above. I am pleased I managed to get in when I did. I do feel slightly inadequate and a bit like an imposter at times compared to a lot of others skill/experience/knowledge of writing and publishing process. Saying that I do contribute, whether it is gibberish or not remains to be seen! If someone is not responding or contirbuting then maybe they should be put on a break if someone else wants to join and would be active.
All the comments here sound very sensible and I agree with the sentiments.
Forgive the (slightly) off-topic comment.
I would like to join. May I join? How can I join? Is there a waiting list? May I join the waiting list?
I left a comment on Kate H's blog a week or so ago, but have heard nothing. Not sure how else to get in touch.
rather cheeky ,as I am only a new bod myself ,but I'd say you did your best to contact them so if you have had no response then let someone else have an opportunity to join the happy throng here!
I agree with what has been said above.
Yep, I agree with the above!
I agree too. Far better to let those who want to participate have a slot.
Um. I did mention at some point I wanted to be on the 'finish a first draft' list, but seem to have fallen off the edge.
Hi Liz, I have just jotted down ideas for next novel so would very much like to be 'in the race' I hope there won't be any drug testing as I've taken large quantities of Rennies after Christmas.
Three month limit sounds reasonable for non posters.
Well that makes it easy then.......Sorry Graeme, I must have missed it. Would that a new first draft or one already rolling?
Fiona you're in for a new first draft then?
Leigh email me - emfenwickatgmail and there is a space if you are quick!
Inspite of the fact that I've been a bit quiet for the last month or so, I do agree with the 3 month idea as long as members are given a prod and a reasonable chance to respond. Sounds like you've done this and if no reasons have been give for a member's prolonged absence, then it's only fair to let new members take their place.
Can I be added to the Complete a Previously Started Work please Liz?
Liz, I'm currently in the complete rewite category. This isn't going to happen as my other idea is taking up all my thoughts at the moment. Could I change to complete a previously started work (sorry. I won't ask to change again.) Thank you.
I hope I have them right - I have added in Graeme, Fiona, KayJay and changed Helen :-)
Leigh you're in...........
Leigh, I am really sorry not to have responded, haven't really been blogging and kept meaning to reply. But you've found us anyway - hope I am forgiven and welcome aboard!
Thanks. Mine is a work already in progress. I had hoped to get it finished by the end of 2007, but life intruded. So it will be a 'finish a draft already started' effort.
My two cents... The sentiments above sound reasonable to me. Let the newbies in.
Liz - I think you have added me to the complete first draft instead of complete a previously started work ( I have already written about 20,000 words so wouldn't want to be 'cheating'!)
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